
“Aahesta Boro” by ARYANA

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“Aahesta Boro” – Longer Version

“Click” the above link to PLAY or “Right Click” and click on “Save Link As…” to Download the Longer Version (7 Minutes 2 Seconds) of Aryana’s “Aahesta Boro”. 

“Aahesta Boro” – Shorter Version 

“Click” the above link to PLAY or “Right Click” and click on “Save Link As…” to Download the Shorter Version (4 Minutes 48 Seconds) of Aryana’s “Aahesta Boro”. 

“YouTube” Video of Aahesta Boro

Click on the above link to view the YouTube video for Aryana’s “Aahesta Boro” featuring images of beautiful Afghan Couples who were selected to be a part of the video.